When should you switch on your high-beam headlights?.
What should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?. When parking on a public road, you must park parallel to and within _ inches of the curb or edge of the roadway. If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, you must. A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for. High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for. If a tire suddenly goes flat while you're driving, you should. Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must _, and watch for oncoming vehicles. You must use your high-beam headlights in all of the following situations, except. In California, the speed limit for a blind intersection is. Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look _ while backing. A yield sign indicates that a driver must slow down and be prepared to _ if a vehicle or pedestrian with the right-of-way is approaching from another direction. What is the first rule of a safe and legal turn?. If you are approaching a stop sign, you must. _ are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur. All regulatory devices on the road tell you.
Which of these signs indicates a hospital ahead?.When you park and leave your vehicle on a highway or street, you should NOT.Blind pedestrians may carry _canes or use guide dogs.You are not able to move the vehicle off the road completely as the road shoulder is too narrow. Your vehicle breaks down on a freeway.
When you turn off a high-speed, two-lane roadway, _ if you have traffic following you.When you approach a roundabout, you must enter to the _ of the central island.