Now I just use Jack to record the web browser as it plays the audiobook. I looked at using quicktime and an audio out cable that comes back in as a mic line, but figured this was easier and I wouldn’t have another cable to keep track of.

This is what I was looking for! I listen to audiobooks and the Hoopla web implementation my library uses makes this difficult (I like to listen while driving in areas with crappy sell service). The $10 in app purchase gives you access to a downloadable Jack Audio driver that adds the ability to record audio as it is played out of the mac. The trial version is limited to 5 minutes, and doesn’t record audio not coming from a microphone. Solved my recording audio from web page problem! Write with confidence any question, feedback or complaint and you will receive an answer in a very short period of time. We read your support emails every day, day by day. Simple to use, no complicated options.